目前分類:From Myself (51)

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2009 Jimmy all the way - A Christmas Celebration

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2009 Jimmy all the way - A Christmas Celebration

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2009 Jimmy all the way - A Christmas Celebration

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2009 Jimmy all the way - A Christmas Celebration

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2009 Jimmy all the way - A Christmas Celebration

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Indulging oneself is not loving oneself but harming oneself. --- Master Cheng Yen

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You do not debase yourself but elevate yourself when you act with modesty -- because it wins you love and respect. --- Master Cheng Yen

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Don't display your anger on your face, and don't let it dwell in your heart. --- Master Cheng Yen

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The ill effects of inappropriate language and attitude fermented in group interactions will accumulate to the extent of destroying the group's harmony. --- Master Cheng Yen

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An earthquake occurs when tectonic plates collide; conflict arises when people are too narrow-minded and picky. --- Master Cheng Yen

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We should cultivate the thoughts of loving people, things and nature in our minds. As a result, we are able to find ways that are the most beneficial to mankind when we are dealing with people and events. --- Master Cheng Yen

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To respect life, protecting lives is better than releasing them. All lives can grow only when we respect and love them. ---Master Cheng Yen

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